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Al salamu alaykum (Peace be unto you - Brussels, Belgium)

Everything looks nicer when you win. The girls are prettier. The cigars taste better. The trees are greener. Billy Martin (Valencia, Spain)

I don't want to die old, I want to grow young (Dublin, Ireland)

Look at me (Dublin, Ireland)

Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.
Frank Gehry (Paris, France)

Les miroirs de l'eau (Dublin, Ireland)

South Great George's street girls (Dublin, Ireland)

Walking on the moon (Valencia, Spain)

One direction (Valencia, Spain)

Alice and the maze (New York, USA)

My name is Joe (Dublin, Ireland)

St Patrick's Circus (Dublin, Ireland)

The best time for new beginnings is now (Howth, Ireland)

Jesus Gracies (Barcelona, Spain)